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Opt in consent - Tips for formatting your Terms & Conditions PDF.

The Opt-in consent function enables you to upload your own project / recruitment terms and conditions / consent form to Indeemo.

Once enabled, Respondents who register via your Customised Respondent Registration page must either Accept or Reject your Terms and Conditions as part of their Indeemo registration flow. 

As your respondents will see your embedded Opt-in Consent Form/ Terms & Conditions that they are agreeing to on their Mobile devices, it's important that the PDF you embed is optimised for mobile.

Here are some tips when formatting your PDF to ensure its easily readable for respondents.

  1. Use a standard font on Microsoft Word or Google Docs

  2. Use Size 24- 26 font 

  3. Export to PDF and upload to Indeemo on the Edit project screen

Sample Consent form viewed on Mobile:

  • Title: Font Size 26

  • Paragraph: Font Size 24