Indeemo Prompting Guide

This page has multiple resources to help you get started with Generative AI Prompting on Indeemo.

To quickly try some prompts, we recommend you download the relevant one page Quick Start Guide.

If you have want more detailed instructions, please choose the relevant MIRO Board Tutorial.


Analysing In-the-moment (Indeemo App) Projects

If you need to analyse Respondent uploads from an Indeemo App project, choose one of these options.


Analysing Video Import Projects

If you need to analyse imported Interviews or Focus Groups, choose one of these options.


Scroll down for the following 2 MIRO boards that will show you how to use Prompts on Indeemo.

  • Board 1 - using prompts to analyse Indeemo App uploads from Respondents.

  • Board 2 - using prompts to analyse Interviews and Focus Groups.

Board 1: Analysing Indeemo App Uploads with Prompts

Click on the “See the Board” button to get started.


Board 2: Analysing Focus Groups & Interviews with Prompts

Click on the “See the Board” button to get started.

If you have any questions or need any more help, email us at