Respondent Anonymous Email ( invite Template
On sensitive research projects, it is possible to set up anonymous emails and assign one to each Respondent. This enables them to register without using their personal emails.
Please scroll down for a template that you / your Recruiter can use when inviting Respondents to take part in projects where anonymous emails are required.
However, before adding anonymous emails and inviting your Respondents to register using them, it is critical that you adhere to the following process:
Respondent invite template
Please copy / paste and personalise the following invite template when asking respondents to register using anonymous emails.
Hi _________,
Thanks for agreeing to take part in our research project. We’re looking forward to working with you.
As part of this project, you will need to use an app called Indeemo.
For privacy and confidentiality reasons, instead of using your actual emails address, we have created an anonymous email address for you to use when you register with Indeemo. This will ensure that any data you share will be kept confidential and anonymous.
For this project, please use this email to register with indeemo:
To use Indeemo, please follow these 4 steps:
1 – Tap on the link below and Register with Indeemo using the above email address.
In order for us to link you to your research project, it is essential that you register with the exact email above.
Feel free to use a first and last name that are different from your actual name.
Choose a password that has a minimum of 8 characters.
2 – Once registered, you will be prompted to download the Indeemo app.
3 – Log into the app using the above email address and your chosen password.
4 – as we are using an anonymous email, it is essential that you enable push notifications in the Indeemo app so that we can interact with you using comments and push notifications.
Tap on this link using your smartphone to register with Indeemo:
You will find tips on registering with and using Indeemo at this link:
If you need any help with the tasks, please contact (moderator email).
For any technical issues contact
PS: please note Indeemo will only work with iOS 16 (on iPhone X and above) / Android 12 and above. For tips on how you can check your Operating System version please tap here: