Anonymized Email - Upgrade Option

In studies of a sensitive nature, Indeemo offers the use of Anonymized Emails for your respondents.

How do they work?

  1. Indeemo assigns you a series of emails. 

  2. You/your recruiter in turn assign these to your respondents. Respondents use this email to register and log in to your project. 

This negates the need for respondent personal details to be added to the Indeemo Dashboard. 

If you as moderator will have access to participant email addresses anyway, then it is unlikely you would need anonymous email addresses.

As anonymized emails do add a small level of complexity to your project, if you feel they may be of use, please ensure to engage with your Indeemo Customer Success Representative or contact who will advise you further on these.

A safe space:

• ISO27001 certified information security

• HIPAA certified for healthcare research

• Anonymistation solutions available to minimise PHI

• Transparent terms: you own the data 100%

•PAYG or annual license options available

iso 27001