Indeemo Project Planner > Step 5: Fieldwork and Moderation
The following resources will help you understand how to see if your respondents have all registered (Respondents Screen: Quick Tour), how to make small/last minute changes to your project, and how to maximise respondent engagement
5.1 Managing your Project
Editing your Task List
If you wish to edit your task list, please go to Manage Project, click the pencil/ edit icon, and click ‘Edit Project’.
You may wish to make some small changes to your task lists.
For each type of Task List you can edit the Introduction, the Tasks and the Completion Message.
For each Task List you can add Tasks and edit existing Tasks by changing the Task Title, Task Description and the Required Response
You can change the position of a Task inside the task list by clicking on the arrows at the right of each Task arrows
If you change the content of a Task which is already displayed, the Task will be changed in the app but the Respondents won’t get any notification about this. So please notify the respondents by sending a Reminder telling them to read the task again and follow the new instructions.
You can add a photo or a video to a Task by clicking on photo and video icons. Please note you should write some text before or after the media to save the Task.
You can embed photos and videos into tasks, we accept .png and .jpeg / .jpg formats for photos, .mov and .mp4 for videos.
To delete a Task, edit it and click on “Delete” at the bottom of the popup.
If you want to delete a Task List, send a mail to
Extending fieldwork
If you wish to extend your fieldwork, please go to Manage Project, click the pencil/ edit icon, and click ‘Edit Project’.
Adjust the end date of each target group.
2. If your task list type is scheduled, please ensure to adjust the end date of your tasks as well as the release date of your completion message. Repeat for each task list.
(If your task list is All at Once or Sequential, there is no action required within the task list itself.)
Change Project Owner
If you wish to move Project Owner permissions to a colleague working on your project with you, please visit Manage Projects, Click “...” and select “Change Project Owner” you can then select a colleague from a list of previously added colleagues.
Currently they will not receive a notification so please ensure to communicate this with them.
Your permission on this project will change to ‘Self Service Moderator’. You will no longer be able to Export media and Manage team
5.2 Quick Tour of the Dashboard
Watch a quick tour of the Dashboard: the screen where you can view, moderate and analyse all uploads from Respondents.
5.3 Filtering & Searching
Explore how to use our Filters to search Respondent uploads by Target Group, Task, Respondent, Type, Keyword, Tag, Date Range and Favorites (or all of these combined!) and find the data you need to find.
5.4 Moderation Tips
This video will show you how moderation works on Indeemo and how you can engage with respondents in the moment using our social networking style comments and push notifications.
5.5 Quick Tour of the Respondents Screen
This video will give you a quick overview of how you can use the Respondents screen to add and invite Respondents to your project, monitor who is registered (or not) and send push notification reminders.
5.6 Using the Alias feature
Learn how the Alias feature can help you reclassify Respondents or add identifiers or tags that will help you better indentify them and filter them by attributes such as demographic, persona etc.
5.7 Sending push Notification Reminders
This video will show you how to see which Respondents have not yet registered and how to send reminders to encourage them take part in your project.
5.8 Quick Tour of the Task Completion screen
This video will show you how our Task Completion screen enables you to monitor Respondent activity both at a summary and task level and send reminders to maximise completion rates.
Any other questions?
If you didn’t find the answer you were looking for above or if there is anything else we can assist with, email us or, if urgent, call us on +44 (0)845 528 0870 or +1 888 917 7480 and we will get back to you ASAP.