2.2 Set up your Project

There are now 2 types of projects that can be set up on Indeemo:

In-the-Moment Project

This is your 'traditional' Indeemo Project. Your respondents log into the App and complete tasks defined by you.


Video Import Project

A Video Import Project is a new type of Indeemo project which serves as a repository for your Interviews/videos, for storage and for analysis.

A profile is created for each respondent or group, rather than respondents actually being added as was previously traditionally done on Indeemo Projects.


How to set up a Project on Indeemo

On your Indeemo Dashboard:

1. Click Manage Projects on the top of your screen.

2. Click +New Project button (upper right corner of screen)

new project manage project

3. Choose your Project Type: Select Video Import or In-the-Moment:


In-the-Moment Project


1. Project Details

Enter the details of the Project you wish to create. These details will be visible on the Dashboard for you but will NOT be visible to the Respondents or your client (observer).


2. Customised Respondent Registration Page & Opt-in Consent

If your organization has purchased our Customised Respondent Registration Page / QR Code Sign Up capability as part of your Indeemo license, you will be prompted to Enable these.

customised respondent registration

Note: Opt In Consent is only available when using the Customised Respondent Registration Page

Please visit the below page for more information.

Learn more about Customised Respondent registration page


3. Target Groups

Now it’s time to add your target groups.

  • Each participant can live in 1 target group.

  • Target Groups (or Segments) enable you to group Respondents by attribute such as Gender, Demographic Information or Persona for example. The Target you enter will not be visible to Respondents.

  • You will be guided to add respondents later.

Choosing the language ensures that, if you are using Automated Video Transcription, videos will be translated in the correct language. Tips will be shown to Respondents in this language

target language

You can delay the start date if you wish after your project has been set up.

Add your Start and End date and time:

  • This will apply to the local time for each respondent.

  • You can delay the start date and end date if you wish, after your project has been set up.

Next, choose the features available to you if you’d like them enabled for this target group.

Learn more about Experience Graph

Learn more about Journey Map

Learn more about Automated Video Transcription

Learn more about Mobile Screen Recording

Lastly, choose the maximum video duration for each video your respondents upload. 

Repeat the above steps until all of your Target groups are set up

4. Task Lists

Now, you can add a task list for this target group.

You can have a unique task list for each group, or you can link multiple groups to 1 task list.

If you are starting fresh, please visit Stage 1. Planning your Project

When choosing the name of your task list, keep it short, simple, unique. If using different task lists for each target group created, recommend naming the task list the same as the target group

Choose your task list type and select which target group(s) should see this task list. 

5. Rating Scale

Now, if you are using Ratings for Journey Mapping & Experience Graph, please configure your ratings scale.

If it’s your first time, we recommend using emoji only :) 


Learn more about Ratings

6. Intro and Tips

Please add your Introduction.

Tips have been automatically populated for your respondents depending on the type of task list you have chosen and the language. 

7. Add tasks and completion message.

You can embed photos/ images or videos in your Introduction or tasks.

Videos should be max 150MB to ensure easy viewing for respondents.

For Scheduled Tasks: 

  • Set a Start date and time for each task. The system will automatically release tasks at each respondent’s local time.

  • We recommend not setting an end date unless specifically warranted. Setting an end date means the task disappears for all respondents at that date/time.

For Sequential Tasks:

  • The system demands a ‘hard required’ response for each task. This is what the respondent must upload before the system will unlock the next task. Keep the required responses minimum, and use flexible wording in your task eg “ Please submit at least one video. We would love to see more!” Required response: 1 video

  • We recommend not setting ‘Hide Task on Completion’ unless specifically warranted. ‘Hide Task on Completion’ means the task disappears once the respondent uploads the required response.  It is possible for the moderator to ‘Skip’ a task for a respondent on the Task Completion tab.

Once you have set up your project, you will see on your manage Projects tab, the status as ‘Pending’. This will in turn change to ‘Fieldwork Live’ and then ‘Fieldwork Complete’.

Video Import Project

After you have visited Manage Projects and selected + New Project:

1. Add Project Details

Enter the details of the Project you wish to create. These details will be visible on the Dashboard for you but will NOT be to your client (observer).

2. Add your Target Groups/ Segments

These allow you to categorize your IDI's or Focus Group imports.

Ensure to choose your relevant country and language- this ensures Video Transcription transcribes your videos in the correct language.

AVT (Automated Video Transcription) will automatically be enabled.

If OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is enabled on your subscription, this option will appear for you to enable if you wish.

2.3 Preview as Respondent

In order to preview your task list as a respondent, you can click ‘Preview as Respondent’ on the Edit Project page. 


Here is a quick video to show you how respondents complete tasks in the Indeemo App.


Any other questions?

If you didn’t find the answer you were looking for above or if there is anything else we can assist with, email us support@indeemo.com or, if urgent, call us on +44 (0)845 528 0870 or +1 888 917 7480 and we will get back to you ASAP.