Indeemo Project Planner > Step 4: Onboarding Respondents
Here is your guide to Adding and Inviting Respondents to your Indeemo project.
Click through the Chapters in the Video below, or scroll to follow the written instructions.
4.1 Adding Respondents
In order to onboard your respondents, you must add their emails to the Respondents tab by clicking ‘Add respondents’.
Our experience is that Researchers prefer to choose how and when they activate Respondents and as a result we do not automatically invite Respondents when they are added to the system.
Note 1: If your Indeemo Subscription includes Customised Respondent Registration Page with Opt In Consent, please visit the below link for more information, and contact your Indeemo Account Manager or to receive guidance on how best to use this feature.
Learn more about Customised Respondent Registration Page with Opt In Consent
Note 2: If your Indeemo Subscription includes Anonymized Emails, please visit the below link for more information, and contact your Indeemo Account Manager or to receive guidance on how best to use this feature.
Learn more about Anonymized Emails
4.2 Inviting Respondents
When you are ready to invite your Respondents to join your project, you/ the recruiter will need to email them with your own introductory email which should include instructions on how to download Indeemo.
You will find an email template by clicking ‘Respondent Email Template’ in the upper right corner of Respondents tab.
Copy this, and paste to your own email.
Send to respondents 1-2 days prior to fieldwork going live. Use the below Note to decide when will be best for you to invite respondents.
With All-at-once tasking respondents will see their tasks once they log in to the App, even if you add them prior to fieldwork starting.
With Sequential tasking, respondents will see their first task once they log in to the App, even if you add them prior to fieldwork starting.
With Scheduled tasking, respondents will see their first task after the system releases based on your defined schedule.
If your Indeemo Subscription includes Customised Respondent Registration Page with Opt In Consent, please visit the below link for more information, and contact your Indeemo Account Manager or to receive guidance on how best to use this feature.
Learn more about Customised Respondent Registration Page with Opt In Consent
If you are using Anonymized email, please use the following invitation email template:
4.3 Edit Respondent's Details
You can now edit the First Name, Last Name and Email Address of Respondents.
Editing of First Name and Last Name is usually done on sensitive projects where you want to minimise the amount of personal information that is stored about Respondents.
The most frequent need for this might be to delete their last name or simply use their Last Name initial to partially anonymise the data.
To activate the Edit feature, hover your mouse over the name, last name or email and click on the pencil icon to edit.
Tips for editing First Name: You can edit the First Name at any time but please note that any edits to the First Name will be visible to the Respondents in any emails or push notification reminders.
The First Name will also be visible to the Observer.
Tips for editing Last Name: You can edit the Last Name at any time (or reduce it to just an initial) and these edits will NOT be visible to the Respondent or the Observers.
Tips for editing the Email address: The Email address is editable only before the Respondent has registered.
You can use this in situations where the respondent has registered with a different email or you made a typo in the email when you added it to the dashboard.
If the Respondent has registered with a different email, simply change the email to the one they registered with and ask them to restart the Indeemo app. This will automatically link them to your project.
4.4 Adding an Alias
Adding an Alias
You can assign an alias to Respondents. Alias can be used to add an alternative identifier or label to each respondent.
Click on “Add Alias” link.
Type the alias you want and save it.
You can edit the alias by clicking on the pencil icon next to it.
To remove an alias, just click on the edit button and remove what you have written.
To filter by alias, go to your Indeemo Dashboard, and type in the alias in the respondent dropdown.
4.5 Respondent Experience
How do your respondents use Indeemo?
After you have invited the respondent to join your Indeemos study by sending them an email as per the above instructions, your respondents will Register, download the Indeemo App and Log in.
Respondent Onboarding Experience
Once they have logged into the App, your respondents can begin to complete their tasks.
How Respondents complete tasks
Any other questions?
If you didn’t find the answer you were looking for above or if there is anything else we can assist with, email us or, if urgent, call us on +44 (0)845 528 0870 or +1 888 917 7480 and we will get back to you ASAP.